Cynthia Valentine, MA, LMFT

Lic. #108089

Cynthia began practicing therapy in March 2014, while in her last year of graduate school at National University. She finished school in December of 2014 and walked with her cohort in May 2015. With a variety of job settings and clientele, Cynthia has learned her strengths lie in helping people bottom line their struggles. She has a knack for helping people identify how they approach their problems and the underlying processes that keep them stuck in a place of emotional struggle. While in that “stuck” place, people have a really hard time making new choices. As she continued learning about approaches to the therapeutic process, one continued to stick out.

Cynthia applies ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) which incorporates a number of approaches including CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and mindfulness. ACT is an approach to life that builds psychological flexibility. Further, it is an approach that helps people practice awareness of the present moment, open up to those thoughts and feelings you’ve been avoiding without relief, find what is important to you, and take committed action toward the meaningful life you really want. It’s an approach that helps you get unstuck.

We have more possibilities available in each moment then we realize.
— Thich Naht Hahn

Professional Associations

CAMFT- California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist

ACBS- Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

AAMFT- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy